Niklas Närhinen

Web development with passion

Streaming output with a callback in Agavi

Earlier I wrote about serving large XML contents with PHP. Today I wanted to use that knowledge when outputting from Agavi. By default you would output XML like:

class Products_ListSuccessView extends MyProductsBaseView
    public function executeXml(AgaviRequestDataHolder $rd)
        $dom = new DOMDocument();
        return $dom->saveXML();

Changing this according to my previous blog post about XML isn’t just replacing the DOMDocument with XmlWriter as AgaviWebResponse sends headers only after the view’s execute-method has completed.

So I had to subclass AgaviWebResponse to support returning Closures from the view:

class MyWebResponse extends AgaviWebResponse
    public function sendContent()
        if ($this->content instanceof Closure) {
            $func = $this->content;

After adding the class to autoload.xml and factories.xml you can do the following:

class Products_ListSuccessView extends MyProductsBaseView
    public function executeXml(AgaviRequestDataHolder $rd)
        return function() {
            $writer = new XmlWriter();

Wasn’t that simple? :)

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